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Woman to Woman


A lot of what God wants to do in your life won’t be done until you do what He has already revealed to you. I always told my children as they were growing up that if they don’t know what the next step is to take, they are to do what they know to do right then and to leave the rest to God.

What God asks you to do isn’t always a huge thing to do.

He asks you in order to test your faith.

Whatever it is that He is revealing to you to do, God will often wait to do His big thing in your life until you have done the small steps and acts of obedience along the way.

He does this because He wants us to see Him in a way we’ve never seen Him before. He wants us to experience Him in a way that we’ve never experienced Him before. He wants us to see the connection between our act of obedience and His deliverance.

He wants to be more than just the God we look to when we are in a bind. God wants a relationship with you. He wants you to see Him up close and personal, so He puts you in a situation where He is your only solution.

Where it can’t be fixed if He doesn’t fix it. Where it can’t be reversed if He doesn’t reverse it. Where it can’t be solved if He doesn’t solve it. Because God says, I’ve let you use all of the natural options available to you, and you are still stuck. Well then, when that happens, know that you are stuck, but you are never at a loss of what to do. Do what you know to do, which is what is right and in obedience to God, and then watch Him open up the path to greater blessings.


Also in this issue:

The Key to Unlocking Your Greatest Blessings

A Note from Tony


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The Spiritual Toolkit by Tony Evans

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"Thank you so much for your newsletters sent to my email! So thankful God speaks to me through you, bringing my faith back to existence—reminding me what it is I need to do. Thank you."  —Dena

"Tonight, I listened to a sermon by Tony Evans about the stronghold of addiction. One thing he said I totally agree with. I choose not to refer to myself as an addict but a blood-bought child of God who has victory over drugs."  —Audrey