He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3
A lot of what God wants to do in your life won’t be accomplished until you do what He has already revealed to you.
What He asks you to do isn’t always all that huge, just as Moses’ move at the Red Sea wasn’t all that huge. God simply asked Moses to hold out his stick. That’s not that huge. If Moses would just hold out his stick, God would handle the rest. He would do all of the big stuff. He would open the Red Sea, harden Pharaoh’s heart, make him go in after them, and close the Red Sea back up.
But to help our faith grow, God often asks us to do our little thing first. Hold out our sticks. Take that step. Make the move. Have the conversation. Quit the job to stay at home. Accept the job that He has shown. Stop the habit. Curb the tongue. Go to church. Go overseas. God will often wait to do His big thing until you have done the little thing He has asked you to do.
God will often wait to do His big thing until you have done the little thing He has asked you to do. Click To TweetHe does this because He wants us to see Him in a way we’ve never seen Him before. He wants us to experience Him in a way we’ve never experienced Him before. He wants us to see the connection between our act of faith and His deliverance. He wants to be more than just a cosmic Santa Claus with a pocketful of miracles to throw down. God wants a relationship with you. He wants you to see Him up close and personal, so He puts you in a situation where He is the only solution to your problem. Where it can’t be fixed if He doesn’t fix it. Where it can’t be reversed if He doesn’t reverse it. Where it can’t be solved if He doesn’t solve it. When you’ve used all of the natural options available to you and you are still stuck, rest assured that you are stuck with a purpose. Look to God.