Blog | Tony Evans

All Things Working Together | Tony Evans

Written by Admin | Jun 7, 2016 7:17:00 PM

God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28

A car’s rearview mirror shows you only what is behind you. If you don’t watch the road in front of you but only stare into the mirror, you will be headed for an accident. You can’t make any progress staring in a rearview mirror. However, in front of the rearview mirror is a much bigger piece of glass—the windshield. This is where you need to focus your attention because where God is taking you is much greater than what you have left behind.

Too many people are bound by yesterday. They’re shackled by their past mistakes or poor choices. Remember, you should always learn from yesterday but never live in yesterday. Rather, allow God to show you the bright new tomorrow He has on the horizon for you when you give yourself entirely to Him.

Once you’ve surrendered yourself to Christ, God will take the negative circumstances of your life and work everything out so that He is glorified and you gain a new sense of peace and hope. The back of every tapestry contains hundreds of knots and strings. However, the front is a beautiful work of art. This is how God views your life—you are His masterpiece, and He will never give up on you.