Blog | Tony Evans

Blessed are the Spiritually Famished | Tony Evans

Written by Admin | Jun 23, 2017 7:17:00 PM

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. – Matthew 5:6

We’ve all seen the televised images of starving children in countries experiencing food and water shortages. Mothers, holding their babies with bellies bloated from severe malnutrition, desperately seek food and water. If they can’t find them, these children will die.

This kind of desperation is what Jesus was talking about when He told us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. He wants us to be as passionate about doing God’s will as parents in developing countries are about getting food or clean water. Our bodies can’t survive without food, and our souls can’t live without righteousness.

Our bodies can't survive without food, and our souls can't live without righteousness. Click To Tweet

So how do we hunger and thirst for righteousness? Through the passionate pursuit of God’s righteousness in our own lives—living in God’s will day in and day out.

When we passionately pursue His will, other things become less of a priority, and we turn from distractions that do not contribute to that pursuit.