“He must increase, but I must decrease.”
– John 3:30 (NASB)
A few years ago, my wife and I had a workman come to service our lawn. I remember showing him one particular tree that appeared to be dead. It was obvious to me that this tree needed to be cut down because it lacked life.
To my surprise, the gentleman quickly responded, “Oh no sir! You don’t need to cut this tree down. It’s still alive.” He took me closer to examine the tree and proceeded to show me some small green buds on the tree that I had not noticed. The tree had not been properly nurtured and developed so it appeared to have no life at all. He went on to explain that what looked like death to me was actually just stunted growth.
Many Christians today are like that underdeveloped tree on my property. There is life, however, they are not experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised because there is simply a lack of growth.
If you have truly trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Sin-bearer, then you have life abiding in you, despite what may look like obvious signs of death. Simply put, what you need is more growth–spiritual growth, not more life.
Spiritual growth is the process by which we allow the indwelling Christ to increasingly express Himself in and through us, resulting in a greater capacity on our part to bring God greater glory and experience His greater good for ourselves.
In short spiritual growth is less of you and more of Christ being expressed in your life.
If you are struggling to see His life in you than its time to commit to growth.