God Is in the Remodeling Business

God Is in the Remodeling Business

We who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. – 2 Corinthians 4:11

The process of remodeling transforms a building in order to update it, make it more modern and effective, and save the cost of buying something new. Remodeling takes what already exists and reconfigures it into something different. If you have remodeled your home, you know how disruptive it can be. Dust, dirt, and chaos seem to take over. But in order to enjoy something new, we must dismantle the old.

Many Christians are looking for a blessing but don’t want to go through the remodeling process. Yet brokenness is the key to your breakthrough—to knowing God in a deeper, more glorious and amazing way. God is not going to bless you if He can’t remodel you. In order to remodel you, He has to tear out old sinful character qualities and build in new character traits.

Many Christians are looking for a blessing but don't want to go through the remodeling process. Click To Tweet

Brokenness is not an emotional experience of an event. Brokenness is an act of the will—surrendering your will to God. To be broken is to say yes to what God wants regardless of what you want. To be broken is to decide to humble yourself and acknowledge your need for help. Brokenness occurs when God strips you of your self-sufficiency and pride so that the life of Christ can be made manifest in you. We undergo problems, difficulties, and frustrations so that the life of Christ may be made known through us.

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