Blog | Tony Evans

God’s Faithfulness | Tony Evans

Written by Admin | Jul 10, 2017 7:17:00 PM

I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging for bread. – Psalm 37:25

Years ago, my family took a vacation to the Grand Canyon. As usual, I planned the route we would take, but for some reason, I forgot to reserve a hotel room for one particular night of our trip. While my family stood gazing out over the Canyon, my thoughts were racing to the few hotels we had passed on our way there. There weren’t many, and I didn’t know if we would find a place to stay in the area.

Sure enough, when I drove back to the main hotel and asked about accommodations, the front desk manager confirmed my doubts. He went on to say that a number of other people had been there before me. Back in the car, my wife and I decided that we would use this opportunity to rest and eat in one of the hotel’s dining rooms. Before we started eating, our daughter Priscilla spoke up and said, “Dad, we haven’t even prayed about a hotel room.”

My first reaction wasn’t the best. I told myself that I was a pastor and should have thought of this first. Instead of revealing my inner doubts, I smiled and asked Priscilla to pray. Her prayer was simple and brimming with faith. “Lord, You know we are tired, and we don’t have a room. I wish You would work it out so that we could stay here. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

I continued to be skeptical until I saw the front desk manager walking through the restaurant. He stopped at our table and said, “Weren’t you looking for a room about thirty minutes ago?” I said yes, and he told me that due to an emergency, a family had checked out and one was now available. Everyone else ahead of us had already left. Needless to say, my family was reminded in a fresh way about the faithfulness of God.

Whatever your need is today, roll it onto Him, believing that He will not only carry your burden but also provide all that you need exactly when you need it.

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