Blog | Tony Evans

He Can Handle the Weight | Tony Evans

Written by Tony Evans | Jan 21, 2022 6:30:56 PM

Matthew 11:29 says, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart ….” To “take” something means you have to reach out to grab it. In New Testament times, the land was full of farmers. He was talking about a harness that connects two farming animals together.

Typically, a younger ox would be paired with an older and stronger one, so that the younger ox could learn from the older. The purpose of the yoke was three-fold. First, it created companionship while the animals worked. Secondly, it taught the younger ox about submission. And third, it allowed the weight to principally fall upon the ox which could handle it best. Even though there were two oxen, they did not both pull the same weight. The stronger ox carried more of the burden. 

Even though there were two oxen, they did not both pull the same weight.

So, when Jesus asks you to yoke up with Him, He is reminding you of His strength. He is reminding you that you don’t have to carry all the weight of your burden. If you will hook up with Him, He will do the work while you simply walk alongside Him in a spirit of surrender. 

So, when Jesus asks you to yoke up with Him, He is reminding you of His strength.

You get to enjoy the companionship He provides while He handles the hard stuff in your life. He can handle the weight.