Blog | Tony Evans

Kingdom Parents Build a Foundation | Tony Evans

Written by Admin | Sep 15, 2014 7:17:00 PM

Christian parents have the mandate . . . to instill their religious heritage in their children.
—New Testament professor Andreas J. Köstenberger

More than a decade ago, a twenty-ton, garnetflecked piece of granite was set in the ground as the cornerstone of New York’s Freedom Tower. The stone can’t be seen from the surface anymore, but it makes up an important part of the building’s seventy-foot-deep foundation. When a construction company sets out to erect a skyscraper, it begins the process by breaking ground. In fact, the higher the building is to go up, the deeper the builders need to dig down in order to lay the foundation. The Freedom Tower, also known as One World Trade Center, rises 1,776 feet,2 so it requires a firm foundation. A high-rise building set on top of a shallow foundation will ultimately topple. The same thing is true for our children. You have high aspirations for them, and your role is to provide what they need in order to reach those dreams.

As kingdom parents, it’s your responsibility to give them the depth of character, faith, hope, love, and esteem that they need in order to soar to the full height of their personal destiny.

The parents of the biblical character Daniel taught him the importance of faith in the Lord and fidelity to His Word. They instilled a kingdom mind-set that transcended location and culture.

Kingdom parent, your role is to build a foundation of faith in your children. When you focus on digging a deep foundation, it will become the bedrock of their life’s success.

1. What can the life of Daniel teach you about building character in your children’s lives?

2. What part of your children’s spiritual foundations need the most fortification today?

3. Read Romans 10:17. What scripture or Bible story can you teach to your kids to strengthen their faith?

God, thank You for the powerful example of Daniel’s life in the Bible. Please help me lay a similar foundation for my kids. Amen.

An excerpt taken from Raising Kingdom Kids. Discover more at