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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

Welcome to our very first Online Bible Study. I'm looking forward to joining you every day Monday through Friday in this time of focus on our spiritual growth! Every day you can expect to receive some teaching from me either through video, writing or some audio sermons I've chosen to help you in your growth. I'm excited that you have chosen to participate. God bless you!

Let's Get Going!

One day I was walking through my yard with a workman who was going to cut down and remove dead trees. I showed him one tree that I wanted him to cut down because it appeared dead to me.

“Oh, sir,” he said quickly. “You don’t need to cut this tree down. It’s still alive.” Then he proceeded to show me some small green buds on the tree that I had not noticed. What looked like death to me was really stunted growth. Because this tree had not been properly nurtured and developed, it appeared to have no life at all.

Many Christians today are like that underdeveloped tree on my property. There is life, but they are not experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised because there is simply a lack of growth.

This study is about spiritual growth. If you have truly trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to be your sin-bearer, then you have life abiding in you. What is needed now is more growth, not more life.


Read 1 Peter 2:2 (NIV). Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

Reflect: Based on 1 Peter 2:2, what is the true goal for spiritual growth?


As we begin our study of spiritual growth we must build a solid biblical understanding of what spiritual growth is. Often there is confusion on how Christians grow spiritually. I want to address some of these issues, because if we don’t have a clear understanding, we can stifle our spiritual growth instead of enhancing it.

Here are a few myths:

Myth: Spiritual growth is the result of following a certain well-defined process.

Truth: Spiritual growth is not a program or a curriculum but the nourishment and development of a life in Christ.

Myth: Spirituality is achieved by what you avoid rather than what you do.

Truth: A list of “do’s” and “don’ts” ultimately fails to produce lasting spiritual growth.

Myth: Spiritual growth is primarily a matter of learning the correct biblical information.

Truth: Accumulating knowledge can lead to spiritual dryness and stymie growth if that knowledge is not accompanied by inner spiritual transformation in response to God’s truth.


Read Isaiah 43:7. Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.

Reflect: According to Isaiah 43:7, why were you created? 

Reflect: Using Isaiah 43:7, and 1 Peter 2:2, what is the connection between your spiritual growth and God’s glory?


As the basis for this study, spiritual growth may be defined as the process by which we allow the indwelling Christ to increasingly express Himself in and through us, resulting in a greater capacity on our part to bring God greater glory and experience His greater good for ourselves. In short, spiritual growth is less of you and more of Christ being expressed in your life.

Be sure to watch the welcome video at the bottom of this email. And, once again, I look forward to this time with you!


Reflect: What is your personal goal for this study? 

Reflect: How do you bring glory to God in your daily life? Give two concrete examples.

Reflect: What is one area you could grow in that would glorify God even more?


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans

Prayer: Lord, grow me today so I can show You as being more glorified and clearer to the people around me. Please use this time each day in your Word and reflecting on the principles You have given to guide me as a means of strengthening me as Your disciple. Let others see You in me, regularly. In Christ's name, Amen.





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