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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

So far we have discussed two steps to obedience—seek God and remove hindrances—but James offers more. So, today I want to look at James 1:22. This is where James compares our response to the Word with a man looking at himself in a mirror. The goal of seeing ourselves in God’s Word is to become “doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves” (v. 22). In other words, we are supposed to do something about what we see, because the Bible is like a mirror that shows you and me what we really look like.

The opposite of someone who obeys the Word is the person described in verses 23-24: “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.”

When we read God’s Word or hear it taught or preached, the Holy Spirit uses it to hold up a mirror before us. A doer of the Word, or a Christian who wants to grow, not only wants to read the Bible or hear it preached. He wants to see himself in the Bible so he can make whatever adjustments are necessary.

This is the person James is referring to in verse 25: “One who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.” When you look intently into the Word in order to find out what God wants from you, you are on your way to an exciting adventure with Christ.


Reflect: According to James 1:25, you are an effectual doer of the Word when you ________________________ and __________________.


Reflect: Do you consider yourself a “doer of the word”? Why or why not?


Reflect: What is the result of your obedience (refer to James 1:25)?


Reflect: What is the Holy Spirit’s role in obedience?


Growing Christians are like sunflowers automatically leaning toward the direction of the sun. When you and I look for the Son the way the sunflower looks for the sun, His rays will soften our hearts so we can throw off new seeds and produce new life. Pursue obeying God in concert with your new nature and in response to His love, and you’ll see the transformation you’ve been looking for.


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to see a picture of who I really am when I read Your Word. Give me the wisdom to know who it is You desire me to be, and I ask that You lead me with Your Holy Spirit as I make adjustments. I want to continue to grow into a doer of the word. In Christ's name, Amen. 



The Mercies of God


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