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A Note from Tony


Dear Friend,

I want you to change your perspective.

Today, we live on earth, and one day, we will spend eternity in heaven. It goes without saying that the latter seriously outweighs the former. Heaven is a future to look forward to with great anticipation.

Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good.” The idea here is that a person spends all their time focused on God and their future in heaven—they don’t do anything with their life on earth. They don’t share their faith. They don’t care for the widows and orphans. This warning admonishes such a person to remember that we have a commission to fulfill during our time on earth, and it’s all hands on deck!

But that phrase works in reverse as well. There is such a thing as being so earthly minded that you are no heavenly good. In this case, a person has embraced the world with such abandon that even its wickedness becomes a part of who they are. They show up on Sundays in name only, and they give themselves over to carnal living Monday through Saturday.

The Bible warns that when a Christian loses their “saltiness,” or their ability to serve and preserve the world around them, the only fate left for them is to be trampled underfoot (Matthew 5:13). This happens when a person loses sight of their first love, choosing to give their heart to earthly ambitions.

So kindle the love between you and God every day. Let the focus be on your eternal destiny, which includes your desire to be an agent of change in a fallen world.

I want to give you a deeper understanding of eternity by giving you a copy of my CD series entitled The Eternal Perspective for your gift of any amount to this ministry. In it, you will hear about eternity and our journey toward it from a biblical standpoint. I pray it will be a powerful blessing to you!

For the King and His kingdom,
Tony Evans


Living TODAY for Forever

Woman to Woman


Our Thanks for Your Gift of Any Amount



Letter from a Listener

“I had been at a job for almost a year and a half that, from week one, I knew was going to be a struggle. So I spent the entire time searching for a new job within three different states but had no luck.

I would listen to you on the radio from my tractor. Just a few weeks ago, I had been listening to your Detours lessons, finding them quite fitting. Out of the blue, a company I had applied to from months past called and said, We want you, what is it going to take? They accepted my offer without any negotiation, and I prepared to relocate to my new town.

But as I wondered about housing in this new town, I ran into a sales rep I had met a few times. I casually mentioned that I had accepted a new job and was worried about housing. He laughed and answered, Text me this afternoon. I know of a house five miles from your new job in a great neighborhood with great folks. After a year and half of trying to stay positive, in less than 24 hours, I had a new job and housing lined up. All I could do was laugh and be filled with joy. He does have a sense of humor sometimes.

I have no doubt that the message of Detours was directly in sync with what I have experienced and am still experiencing. You have positively affected me and have given me hope when I was short on it. Thanks!” 
