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The Truth About Angels

You might be asking yourself, Why should I take the time to learn about angels? They have no bearing on my daily life. Like most of us, you are likely working hard to make ends meet and to keep everything together. And if you are married or have children, your days can seem even longer and more tiring. Exhausted, you fall into bed each night, thankful that you and your loved ones made it through another day. The very thought of expending what little free time you have to study something that seems low on your list of priorities is often an easy decision: you’re too busy now, but maybe someday…

Consider this, however: Angels may be unseen, but they are real. Everything you do, every step you take as a child of God, is controlled by, influenced by, and directed by this angelic realm. Nothing takes place in our physical world outside of this spiritual realm.


We are in the midst of an angelic conflict, and when we understand about angels, we begin to notice how prevalent their activities are on almost every page of the Bible. They are busy functioning and fulfilling God’s mandates. Angels are basically God’s staff, and He has chosen in His own sovereignty to accomplish His will through these intermediaries.

Probably my favorite story of angels’ protection is found in 2 Kings 6. Elisha was a prophet who kept preaching and prophesying against Israel’s enemies the Arameans. Well, the Arameans had finally had enough and they decided they needed to get rid of Elisha. Permanently. Elisha must have been a very intimidating man because they sent an entire army to surround the city of Dothan where Elisha was currently staying with his servant. The servant looked outside and saw this vast and fearsome army, and cried out in fright, “What shall we do?” (2 Kings 6:15).

Have you ever been like Elisha’s servant? You wring your hands together in worry and think the problem you are facing is just too big and you think, What can I do?

Elisha’s response to his frightened servant (and by association, to us as well) was classic. He said, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16).

That poor servant must have thought Elisha had finally cracked under the pressure because he could see no one but the enemy forces.

But let’s read on in 2 Kings 6:17 for Elisha’s response: “Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

The key here is that Elisha prayed. And that’s just as true for us today. God is in control and He sends His angels to protect us according to His will. Friend, be mindful of the role angels play in your life. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to His use of them, and to increase that use for His purpose, His glory, and your good.


Woman to Woman

Congratulating Dr. Lois Evans

A Note from Tony



Our gift to you - Angels: Good, Bad and Ugly Vol. 1 CD series