Major department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue in New York have large display windows. In these windows are placed mannequins. These dummies are impeccably attired based on the season and the fashions being focused on. The reason the owners of the department stores place these mannequins in their store windows is to advertise what their store has to offer the broader public. The mannequins exist for something greater than themselves. They exist and are attired to advertise something bigger than themselves.
Even so, God saved us and blessed us not merely for ourselves alone, but as kingdom disciples, we are to serve as God’s advertising agency of His greater kingdom. God wants His people to make His kingdom so attractive that people don’t just admire them, but are drawn into His kingdom because of how impressive we look and live as official representatives of the kingdom. This is why the primary concern of disciples of Jesus Christ must be the prioritization of God’s kingdom.
A kingdom disciple is a believer who takes part in the spiritual development process of progressively learning to live all of life under the lordship of Jesus Christ. But to live all of life under Christ presumes that you know and apply what Christ desires you to do in your life. And where better to hear His heart on discipleship than in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7).
For starters, the centerpiece of Jesus’ sermon revolves around one verse. In fact, this one verse is the centerpiece of kingdom living altogether. We read,
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Discipleship is first and foremost a kingdom issue. Kingdom means “rule” or “authority.” To be a kingdom disciple is to learn to comprehensively submit yourself to the rule of God in every area of your life. It is the pursuit and prioritization of the kingdom that is the chief concern of discipleship.
The word that I want to focus on from this passage is the word “first” because it is the diminishing of the value of this word that has led to the diminishing of the experience of God in many of our lives. The rule, authority and provisions of heaven can only be fully experienced as God’s kingdom standards are prioritized by His disciples.
To live life to its fullest and to accomplish and experience all that God has created you to do, God and His kingdom must be first. God’s rule is not to be one among many. He is to be first. The problem in most of our lives today is that God is merely in the vicinity; He is not first. I often hear people tell me that they just don’t have enough time for God which means that they are really telling me that God is not first place in their lives. This is because a person will always make time for what is first—for what matters most.
Friend, when the God that you acknowledge is not treated as God, then His kingdom and its benefits are not experienced by you.
So How Do You Know If You Are Putting God First?
One of the best ways to know if you are putting God first in your life is to ask yourself where you turn when you have a decision to make?
When you have a problem to resolve or you need guidance, do you turn to people first?
Do you turn to your desires first?
Or do you look to God, His Word and His principles first?
Getting God’s perspective on a matter and then applying it to the particular situation you are dealing with is one revealer of God’s position in your life and your position as a disciple.
If you are a parent, you may recall saying these words to your children, “Why didn’t you talk to me first? I just wish you would talk to me first.” Oftentimes, parents will let their children know that they could have avoided mistakes or problems in life if they would have simply sought and followed their advice as parents first.
While this holds true in parenting, it holds even more true with God. So many people wonder why they are not hearing from God or experiencing His abiding presence and victory in their lives. God’s answer to their question is simply, “Because you come to Me last. In fact, you go to the world—a system that leaves Me out—first. And then, you only come to Me when none of that works out.”
The key to success as a kingdom disciple is found in this one-syllable word: first. It is in the prioritization of the rule of God over every area of life where you’ll discover all the power you need to live a victorious kingdom life!
Why We Do What We Do
"God bless you abundantly Pastor Evans! This sermon came my way right on target. I live in Florida (Broward County) where we were supposed to have a 6 to 9 ft water surge. In other words, it was supposed to be a deadly catastrophe. I prayed, and in my spirit the Lord gave me peace before, during and after the hurricane happened. He is faithful and true. I can see how the Lord continues to be faithful and true with your ministry, pastor. Thank you so much."
—Ruth P.