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Small Group Bible Studies

A collection of Bible Studies from Tony Evans



DVD Bible Study Kit

The biblical account of Joseph clearly demonstrates that God is at work even when life seems to be going wrong. It depicts a young man who endured betrayal, abandonment, injustice, and confusion before understanding God’s sovereign plan to redirect him from the pit to the palace. Even today, it’s easy to wonder why God would allow calamity to happen or if He’s in control at all. Whether through uncontrollable circumstances or the pain of personal relationships, everyone has experienced unforeseen changes in life. This study helps believers navigate detours that may take you through trials, injustice, and even betrayal. You will be comforted and encouraged when you learn to rest in God’s redemptive plan and the hope found in God’s sovereign will. Kit Includes:

  • Bible Study Book
  • Two DVDs with six 25 to 30-minute teaching sessions led by Tony Evans
  • The original book, Detours, on which the study is based
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The Jesus Challenge


DVD Bible Study Kit 

The biblical account of Joseph clearly demonstrates that God is at work even when life seems to be going wrong. It depicts a young man who endured betrayal, abandonment, injustice, and confusion before understanding God’s sovereign plan to redirect him from the pit to the palace. Even today, it’s easy to wonder why God would allow calamity to happen or if He’s in control at all. Whether through uncontrollable circumstances or the pain of personal relationships, everyone has experienced unforeseen changes in life. This study helps believers navigate detours that may take you through trials, injustice, and even betrayal. You will be comforted and encouraged when you learn to rest in God’s redemptive plan and the hope found in God’s sovereign will. Kit Includes:

  • Bible Study Book
  • Two DVDs with eight teaching sessions led by Tony Evans
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Kingdom Marriage


DVD Bible Study Kit

Based on the book, Kingdom Marriage, this 6-week video small-group study instructs Christian couples on how to tap into the power of God as they seek God’s purpose and perspective for their marriage. Author and speaker Tony Evans explains how kingdom couples bring light and life to their families and communities and offers many practical insights and applications. Kit Includes:

  • Printed Participant’s Study Guide
  • Digital Leader’s Guide
  • DVD curriculum
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Kingdom Man


DVD Bible Study Kit

Our culture has redefined manhood by emasculating men through a repositioning of the role. Men are portrayed as weak, self-serving, and unfocused. The Bible clearly communicates that man was created to exercise dominion over the various areas of his life, taking responsibility for himself and others entrusted to his care. When a man functions within the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. This study challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God, learning to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ. Kit Includes:

  • Contains two DVDs with six 30-minute teaching sessions by Tony Evans
  • Includes the trade book Kingdom Man
  • Includes one Member Book
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Kingdom Woman


DVD Bible Study Kit 

A Kingdom Woman embraces a simple premise: Unless a Kingdom rests firmly under the authority of the ruler, anarchy reigns. That’s why a Kingdom Woman always seeks to align herself and operate under the authority of God—in every area of life. With practical insights and applications from coauthor Chrystal Evans Hurst, Tony Evans explains how that process can unleash new purpose, power, and possibilities—in both the lives of Kingdom Women and those they love. This video curriculum can be covered in about six weeks. Kit Includes:

  • Printed participant’s Study Guide
  • Digital Leader’s Guide
  • DVD curriculum
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Raising Kingdom Kids


DVD Bible Study Kit

The six sessions included in Raising Kingdom Kids Group Video Experience provide practical examples and illustrations to help parents grow kids’ faith, with specific instruction in the power of prayer, wisdom, love of God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling the tongue, developing patience, and the surrender of service. One sample Participant’s Guide is included in the Group Video Experience, and an additional copy is recommended for each group member. Kit Includes:

  • Sample Participant’s Guide
  • Six sessions Group Video Experience
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Victory in Spiritual Warfare


DVD Bible Study Kit

Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Field Guide for Battle is an eight-session, adult Bible study. "Spiritual Warfare" is defined as "the cosmic conflict waged in the invisible, spiritual realm which is simultaneously fleshed out in the context of the visible, physical realm." Pastor Tony Evans pragmatically teaches Ephesians 6:10-18, providing application so that believers can implement the truths of God's Word in the very real battle at hand. Kit Includes:

  • Three DVDs with eight group sessions
  • Member Book
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The Power of God's Names


DVD Bible Study Kit

The study examines 11 names of God. The words translated as name show up over one thousand times in Scripture and routinely carry with them power, responsibility, purpose, and authority. A name not only expresses the essence and significance of what is being named but also—when duly authorized—accesses the capacity intrinsic within it. Because of God's depth of character, He has a variety of names to reflect His different capacities of relating to humanity. For example, God is called Elohim when referenced as the all-powerful Creator. When you need provision, get to know the name Jehovah Jireh, which means God, the Provider. God has a name for any and every situation you can find yourself in. Get to know the names of God because it is in knowing His character and His capacity that you will rest and discover both peace and power in His covenant care. Kit Includes:

  • Member Book
  • Two DVDs with a promotional video and six 30-minute teaching sessions
  • Original book on which the study is based
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Watch Your Mouth


DVD Bible Study Kit

In this compelling DVD series based on the book Watch Your Mouth, Tony Evans shares what the Bible teaches on the power of your words. Discover life-changing truths and practical wisdom on keeping your tongue in check. Perfect for church groups or individual study. Discover how to glorify God with your speech in this DVD presentation that includes four sessions of powerful teaching and moving personal testimonies.


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The Power of the Cross


DVD Bible Study

In The Power of the Cross, Tony Evans applies Christ's work to life today. In three parts, he systematically and pastorally explains three aspects of the cross, its:

  • Person: What makes Christ unique, and how He is the center of salvation history
  • Purpose: What was accomplished on it, and how it is to be the centerpiece of our lives
  • Power: The stability and deliverance it provides in our everyday living
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Like No Other


DVD Bible Study Kit

Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. That statement may seem obvious, but even Christians need a constant reminder that everything in our faith is built upon the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of Jesus' life-from His birth to His current exalted state-is unique from any other person. His uniqueness means His life and character merit our fullest attention, and because He is uniquely God, His life and character greatly impact our lives. (8 sessions) Kit Includes:

  • Group Member Book
  • 1 DVD-ROM
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Horizontal Jesus


DVD Bible Study Kit

Loving God is vertical love. Loving others is horizontal love. Jesus showed His disciples how these two loves are intertwined in practical ways. While our relationship with God is based on faith alone, He warns and encourages us to see that the way we treat people affects our experience of Him. In this six-session study, you'll learn how to apply biblical principles drawn from several one-another passages in Scripture. In doing so, you’ll reap blessings in your vertical relationship with God. Kit Includes:

  • Bible Study Book
  • 2 DVDs
  • Original book on which the study is based
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It's Not Too Late


DVD Bible Study Kit

If you've ever wondered, "Is it too late for God to do something with me?" this study is for you. God frequently uses broken people to accomplish His purposes on earth. A broken person who has learned dependence on God is a force to be reckoned with. This six-session study looks at three men and three women of the Bible who were used mightily by God despite their previous mistakes. You too can learn to focus on the potential of your future, not the missteps of your past. Kit Includes:

  • Video-driven Bible study with 6 group sessions and daily lessons
  • Two DVDs
  • A copy of the Member Book
  • A copy of the paperback book on which the study is based
  • Member Book includes content for both individual and group study
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The Kingdom Agenda


DVD Bible Study Kit

The Christian message, when communicated from a comprehensive Kingdom perspective, provides an agenda that can stand next to and above all other attempts to define the meaning of life, whether for the individual, the family, the church, or the nation. A Kingdom agenda based on God's Word — rather than a secular agenda based on man's word — is the best way to make all of life work as our Creator intended. This six-session Bible study can serve as a comprehensive blueprint for the Christian life and as an all-encompassing discipleship tool. Kit Includes:

  • Member Book
  • 2 DVDs (six 30-minute video sessions and promotional segment)
  • Revised version of the original book on which the Bible study is based, The Kingdom Agenda: Life Under God
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DVD Bible Study Kit

If ever there were a Biblical character deeply connected with God, it was Elijah. Elijah’s legendary faith grew stronger through the challenges God sent his way. While Elijah sometimes got discouraged, he didn’t give up. He knew that even in the hard times, God was with him. He persevered. He prayed. He trusted even when tested. Elijah serves as a great role model for us. Over the next six weeks, you’re going to study the life of Elijah in the context of community. You’ll build connections with the people in your group and grow in your faith as you study, learn, pray and even serve together. When God created the world, the only thing He deemed “not good” was that a person would be alone. You were designed for community, to do life with others. Kit Includes:

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One Family Under God


DVD Bible Study Kit

Families in our society have been under attack for years and are suffering a tremendous breakdown. However, take courage, because the family is fixable! Your willingness to learn about God’s kingdom agenda and His plan for kingdom families is a wonderful step toward that end. Spiritual growth is best accomplished in the context of fellowship with other like-minded believers and a commitment to God. By returning to God’s model for the family and individuals, society will begin to flourish. Let’s get started with this Bible study guide and 6-session DVD teaching series by Dr. Tony Evans. For individual and/or group use.


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