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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

The second piece of armor I’d like to focus on today is the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). The breastplate covers your heart, which in the Bible is the center of your consciousness. When you know God’s truth, then your heart knows how to beat at the right rhythm. But once you let go of truth, God sets off a warning beeper inside that something is wrong—and it’s not wise to ignore warning signals from your heart.

Recently I set off the metal detector at the airport, so I emptied my pockets and went through again. But the alarm sounded, so the guard said, “Sir, you must have metal on you somewhere. We’re going to have to check you.” By now I was getting evangelically irritated because I had to catch a plane. So I told him, “I don’t have anything else in my pockets.”

He didn’t buy it, of course, and now it was like a contest. He checked me with the wand and found nothing, so I was feeling pretty good. But then he came to my shoes, which unbeknownst to me had a piece of metal in the bottom. The security agent gave me a triumphant look as if to say, “My detector doesn’t lie.”

When God sets off an alarm in your heart, He’s found something you may not see or even know is there. The Holy Spirit’s job is to connect God’s truth with your heart so you can deal with sin and maintain fellowship with God. The breastplate of righteousness keeps Satan from penetrating your heart with his lies.


Read Ephesians 6:10-17.

Reflect: In your own words describe the “breastplate of righteousness.”


Reflect: How does putting on the breastplate of righteousness help you to fight temptation?


Reflect: Can you remember a time that your heart sent you a warning signal? How did you respond to it?


Reflect: Write a prayer asking God to cover your heart with His righteousness.


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to listen when You send me a warning signal. I ask that You cover my heart with righteousness through Your Word so that I can fight temptation. Thank You that I am not fighting for victory but from victory because Jesus already won the victory on the Cross. In Christ's name, Amen.



Life Essentials study notes

Life Essentials Tony Evans

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