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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

The third section of the believer’s armor, the shoes of peace, confirms God’s desire for us to be in fellowship with Him. This peace is the inner tranquility that comes from “the gospel of peace” through which we come into right standing with God.


Read Ephesians 6:10-17.

Reflect: What are the characteristics of shoes and how do they apply to the shoes of peace?


The imagery of shoes suggests the need to stand firm. The shoes of a Roman soldier gave him sure footing as he fought on unsteady ground. You don’t want to trip and fall when you’re engaging the enemy.


Reflect: Can you think of a time you were being attacked? Were you wearing the shoes of peace? How do you know?


Shoes also mean that you are going somewhere. There is nothing static about the Christian life. Spiritual growth requires movement and development. Don’t expect to hear from God if you remain frozen in the same spot all the time. When you move ahead for the Lord, He confirms the rightness of your decision by the peace He gives. You have a firm foundation under you.


Reflect: What is the difference between standing firm and standing still? Which does God expect you to do?


Reflect: Write a prayer asking God to clothe you in peace.


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to put on the shoes of peace so that I will be able to stand firm. Give me guidance and clothe me with peace while I move ahead for Your kingdom. In Christ's name, Amen.



Life Essentials

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