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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

What makes you a spiritual adult, or a mature Christian? It’s very simple, yet profound. The mature believer knows God, and not just that He forgives sin or gives power for spiritual battle. The mature believer knows God in a depth of intimacy that has been developing over time. That’s why John added the interesting phrase “who has been from the beginning.” The idea is that the mature believer is tapping into a deeper understanding of God and His eternal nature, a process that certainly suggests the passage of time.

A mature believer still needs to grow in Christlikeness, because that’s a lifetime job. And there are still battles with the enemy to fight and win. But a mature Christian’s life has a quality of depth about it that can only be gained by going through the process of growing and battling!


Developmental Signs of Spiritual Adulthood:

  • Adult Christians are those who have progressed further in their faith than infant or adolescent Christians. They have an intimate relationship with God. Their spirit is in touch with God’s Spirit, which enables 
them to understand spiritual things that cannot be understood on a human basis. Being a mature Christian does not depend upon one’s chronological age nor upon the length of time one has been a believer. It is wholly a matter of how intimate they are with their Lord.
  • Adult Christians recognize that little of life is really under their
 control. They allow the Holy Spirit to move about freely in their life to accomplish things they couldn’t possibly accomplish on their own. Some examples could be winning souls for Christ, serving graciously and effectively in the church, giving generously and cheerfully, and many other things that focus on the building of God’s kingdom.
  • Adult Christians generally have a productive Bible reading program and have learned from experience how to effectively apply biblical principles. They have learned that reading the Bible often produces a fresh perspective, even though the material is familiar.
  • Adult Christians are transparent in their lifestyle, which usually reflects their intimate relationship with the Lord. However, when they occasionally slip, they accept correction and encouragement with genuine humility.
  • Growing to Christian maturity takes time. As we might wish, the infant and adolescent stages cannot be skipped. The lessons learned in each of these stages are vital to achieving Christian adulthood.

Reflect: What, if any of these areas, describes you?


Reflect: What will you do to move forward in your growth?


Spiritually mature Christians have a passion to pursue and know God, and they aren’t satisfied until they are in intimate fellowship with Him!


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, I know that I still have growing to do. I ask that no matter where I am at the moment that You will continue to lead me unto You and into greater spiritual maturity. In Christ's name, Amen. 



First by Dr. Tony Evans

First by Dr. Tony Evans


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