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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

When I was about fourteen years old, I started using a particular line on my dad when I perceived that he was interfering with my freedom and treating me like a child. I would want to do something that he didn’t think I was ready for, and I would say, “But I’m almost a man.” Now I didn’t have a job or anything, and Dad was providing for my needs. But I felt that I was ready to have a man’s privileges. Let’s just say my father was not impressed with my arguments.

I tell you that story to illustrate that what is true in the physical world is also true in the spiritual. That is, while young Christians are learning to be strong and to overcome the devil with the Word of God, they still need the support and guidance of mature Christians to help them handle the conflicts, whether they think so or not. Adolescent Christians want to move forward in these experiences, and they often feel they can take on the world, the flesh, and the devil all by themselves. But they need help and direction to become strong.

If you are in this stage of your spiritual development, there are times when you will fail and be overcome rather than overcome. In those times of defeat you especially need support and guidance from more mature Christians so you can learn how to avoid the enemy’s trap the next time. You also need instruction and training in the Word to sharpen your sword and keep it battle ready at all times.

So a spiritual adolescent is a person who is learning to depend on the Word of God to overcome the evil one. A baby Christian does not have practice in handling the Word of God, but if you are able to use the Word in conflict to overcome the devil, you have grown out of your spiritual childhood.


Developmental Signs of Spiritual Adolescence:

  • Adolescent Christians can be compared to teenagers. They have progressed beyond infancy and seek to become independent, but still have numerous struggles in their life. At this point in their development they begin to learn about using the power of God’s Word, but they do not yet have the experience and depth of relationship with God to consistently overcome.
  • Adolescent Christians still need help to win battles. They need more mature Christians to come alongside and provide the love, encouragement, and instruction that will enable them to grow into overcomers.
  • Adolescent Christians generally acknowledge the concept that the Holy Spirit is God Himself. They know at some level that He has been sent to empower us to live the Christian life. But they find it difficult to overcome in certain areas of their lives. So they continue to hang on to things that they depend upon for significance in life, such as money, position, recognition, etc.
  • Adolescent Christians probably have a Bible reading program that keeps them more or less in God’s Word. However, life’s urgencies often get in the way and the reading becomes inconsistent and the influence of God’s Word is diminished.

Reflect: What, if any of these areas, describes you?


Reflect: What will you do to move forward in your growth?


And as a growing adolescent Christian you need mature Christians to provide you with opportunities to serve and take leadership so you can gain battle experience!


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to be consistent in reading the Bible and praying as I grow in spiritual maturity. I want to depend on the Word of God so that I can overcome the evil one in every area of life. Give me humility so that I can be encouraged by those who are more spiritually mature. In Christ's name, Amen.



Life Essentials

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