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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

The shield of faith is the fourth piece of armor and the first we are told to take up as we need it. The shield allows us “to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (v. 16). Satan’s arrows, things like doubt and discouragement, are designed to distract us from the real battle and get us fighting the fires started by the arrows. But faith, which is acting like God is telling the truth, snuffs out those arrows.


Read Ephesians 6:10-17.

Reflect: As a Christian, what is your real battle?


Reflect: What arrows has Satan used to distract you in the past? Has it worked? Explain.


When you’re under attack and need your shield, you are also going to need the helmet of salvation (v. 17a). A helmet protects your brain, or mind, which for the Christian has to do with your new identity or who you are in Christ. Remember, from our time in week 1, your salvation is everything you are in Jesus Christ—a blood bought, totally forgiven, absolutely redeemed, heaven bound child of God. Anything else is a false ID.


Reflect: Using your own experience and in your words, explain how picking up your shield of faith and wearing a helmet of salvation will protect you in the midst of a battle.


Reflect: Write a prayer asking God to protect your mind against doubt, discouragement, and lies and to remind you of your new identity in Him.


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to be quick to take up the shield of faith when I get into a fight. Give me faith in order to put out any arrows from the enemy. Remind me of who I am in Christ Jesus by covering my mind and my thoughts with the helmet of salvation. In Christ's name, Amen. 



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