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Life Essentials Online Bible Study

A Word from Tony



Well, friends, we are almost completely dressed for battle and I trust that you have begun to clothe yourself daily! The sixth and last piece of armor I want to discuss is the sword of the Spirit, “which is the word of God” (v. 17). This is rich, because the word for Scripture in this particular verse is “rhema,” which means an utterance. This refers to our use of God’s Word to defeat Satan in battle, using the right Scripture at the right time to deal with the problem at hand.


Read Ephesians 6:10-17.

Reflect: Refer to our time in week 2. Have you been feeding on God’s Word?


The best example of the rhema of God in action is the way Jesus answered Satan in the wilderness. Three times Satan came at Him, and three times Jesus answered, “It is written” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10), and then carved Satan up with the sword of God’s Word. The devil can out-argue and out-debate you, but he has no answer for the Word of God.

Now let me ask you something. If Jesus, the living incarnate Word of God, needed to use the Scripture, the written Word of God, to deal with the Enemy, how much more do we need to use the Word? We must learn the Bible in order to use it.


Reflect: What are the benefits of knowing God’s Word?


When Satan hits us with a temptation, we can answer him with the Word. The sword Paul referred to here is not the big broadsword you see ancient soldiers wielding in the movies, but a short sword for close-in fighting. When Satan gets close, you must thrust the Word directly at him.


Reflect: Do you have a recurring temptation that Satan uses to attack you? Find a Scripture that speaks directly to it. Write it below and explain how you can use it to fight back.


Reflect: Rewrite Ephesians 6:10-17 in your own words. Explain the connection between putting on your spiritual armor and growth in your spiritual life.


For His Kingdom,

Tony Evans


Prayer: Lord, help me to continue feeding on God's Word so that I can use the Scripture to deal with the problems in my life. When I face temptation, remind me of the specific Scripture that will give me victory over the enemy. In Christ's name, Amen. 


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