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Outreach | Tony Evans


Have you ever faced a challenge so overwhelming that you were certain it would defeat you? It probably felt like trying to scale a mountain with no ropes. As a nation, we are facing our own Mount Everest, and our children are suffering the most. Overburdened schools, broken families, and suffocating poverty are closing in around our young people. Every day, roughly 8,000 students drop out of high school. That’s five students giving up on their chance at a better life every minute, and that’s one reason why the National Church Adopt-A-School initiative was founded. We want to restore hope and stability to children and their families throughout the nation.

It sounds hopeless. It feels hopeless. But, as Christians, we know better than to despair in the face of convolution. Every journey begins and ends with a single step. Our responsibility is to make a difference, one-by-one, starting with one child. Does that sound unattainable?

Let me help bring the message home with a specific example.

Margret was a high school senior who smiled on the outside but, inside, felt empty and hopeless. As one of seven siblings who had no father figure, she had dreams but no way of reaching them. She wanted to drop out. But Margret’s life changed when a mentor felt called by the Lord to reach out to her. All this mentor did was approach her to give her a hug. Then, later, she asked, “Would you mind if I was your mentor?” Now Margret is a college graduate from the University of Louisville and is pursuing her masters degree in social work.

ONE woman’s decision to ask ONE question changed the entire course of a life.

Imagine how many more lives have been and will be touched because Margret is fulfilling her God-given potential.

Every victory begins with the first step, and that first step is hard. At the beginning, our actions don’t always feel as impactful as we want them to. But the Bible tells us,

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”Zechariah 4:10a (NLT)

Do not underestimate what God can do through you. You don’t have to do it alone. We offer tools and resources to equip those who want to begin school mentoring partnerships. Not ready to be a mentor? That’s ok. Your donation can help us provide the training and resources to help others become mentors. Our nation can’t scale this mountain overnight, but together we can make futures come true.

Making Futures Come True

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Current Offer: The Names of the Holy Spirit Volume 1 & 2 and NEW book: Praying through the Names of the Holy Spirit

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