Tony Evans Speaks on Having Victory In Spiritual Warfare
The world is at war… a conflict that is wreaking havoc on civilians, injuring and killing many, even innocent children. Countless lives have been lost in battle after battle, and many people are uncertain about a decisive victory.
I’m not talking about the war on terror. I’m grateful, as all Americans should be, for the sacrifice and valor of our men and women serving in the armed services.
Spiritual warfare is an epic battle between good and evil which began when Satan was cast out of heaven. This confrontation escalated to the Garden of Eden, where the first man, Adam, received a near fatal blow that echoes throughout the history of God’s people.
Jesus came to earth and faced this battle daily. The devil tempted Him in the wilderness, and the battle raged. Jesus was sent to the cross to die… and the battle raged. He rose victoriously on the third day… but the enemy still hasn’t surrendered.
It is clearly described by Paul, the apostle,
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
Surrounding us is a spiritual war… angels vs. demons… good vs. evil… light vs. darkness. But amazingly, most believers live as if this conflict were not even happening, as if the “battle of the ages” was just a fantasy or sci-fi story. Yet not one of us is immune to the consequences of spiritual warfare. Although the players fight in an invisible realm, we all face the effects—pain, struggle, defeat, heartache—of their conflict every day of our lives.
Until you recognize that your struggle is not with man but with spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, you will never begin to live in victory. Your victory in spiritual warfare must rest on the reality that God has given you everything that you need to live in light of the truth of His victory in order to experience and become all that God has created you to be. But God will not dress you in the weapons of warfare.
You are going to have to put on the Armor of God yourself – everyday – in order to experience the victory that is yours.