The Pursuit of God

Tony Evans

The Pursuit of God
Tony Evans Sermons
The Pursuit of God

James 4:7-12

The Declaration of Independence talks about the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But pursuing something is no guarantee you’ll find it. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he shows us how to make your pursuit of God more successful in this look at lessons from the book of James.

Freedom From Anxiety

Tony Evans

Freedom From Anxiety
Tony Evans Sermons
Freedom From Anxiety

Matthew 6:25-34

If God promised us peace, why are we still experiencing anxiety? Join Dr. Tony Evans as he shows us how the fact that we’re worried is a bigger problem than whatever we’re worried about.

Lie #2 God is Holding Out on You

Tony Evans

Lie #2 God is Holding Out on You
Tony Evans Sermons
Lie #2 God is Holding Out on You

Genesis 3:1-6

A lot of people think that God’s offer to be close to us is too good to be true. But in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans will expose that lie and explain how hard Satan works to keep it alive. It’s an important look at how to recognize and reject the devil’s misinformation tactics in our lives.

Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

Tony Evans

Praying and Waiting for God's Timing
Tony Evans Sermons
Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

1 Kings 18:41-46

When you order something online, you typically get to choose how fast you want it delivered. But in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that isn’t the case when you pray, and that sometimes we must learn to wait for God’s perfect timing.

Jehovah Rohi: The Lord is My Shepherd

Tony Evans

Jehovah Rohi: The Lord is My Shepherd
Tony Evans Sermons
Jehovah Rohi: The Lord is My Shepherd

Exodus 15:22-27

Sheep aren’t especially bright animals, and they don't get along too well without the proper guidance. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he shows us how the Lord shepherds His flock… namely us!