Justice and Freedom

Justice and Freedom

Contrary to how some people feel, the aim of Biblical justice is freedom. Freedom can be defined as a release from illegitimate bondage in order to make the choice to exercise responsibility in actualizing and maximizing all that you were created to be. Biblical justice encourages freedom through affirming accountability, equality and responsibility by linking the spiritual to the social realm. That is, freedom and biblical justice must be founded upon spiritual truth from our vertical relationship with God and expressed...

Let Jesus Flow through You

Let Jesus Flow through You

The word testament means “covenant.” So when you read the New Testament, you are actually reading about the New Covenant. When Jesus was preparing to die on the cross, He shared a final meal with His disciples. It was the Passover meal, but Jesus gave it new significance (Luke 22:14-20). At that meal, He said, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood” (v. 20).