Many people come to church Sunday after Sunday to be pacified. They want enough to make them feel like they’ve gotten something, only to discover all week long that they are still hungry. They look for this pacification in a service, song or sermon only to wise up to the hunger still within. Sure, they got something that gave them the impression that it was the real thing, but they soon realize that something else is still missing. They do not sense the nutritional value that they expected to be passed on to them.
If you want to know your calling, don’t go “calling-looking.” Go God-looking. God knows where He wants you, what He is calling you to do, when He wants you to do it, and how He wants it done. Therefore, if you want to find your calling, look for God. When you find God, His calling will find you.
Guest blog by Chrystal Evans Hurst
The Christian life is a progressive movement toward spiritual maturity. Your experience of following Jesus should be taking you somewhere. The goal of your growth ought to be that you are being “transformed” into the image of the glory of God.
If you have children or grandchildren, I can almost guarantee you’ve heard this question, “How many days ‘til Christmas?”