We are told in Scripture, “In everything give thanks.” It is a decree from God, recorded by Paul. It is a divine expectation.
The Bible is full of stories of men and women who were called by God to do difficult and even impossible things and found God to be sufficient.
When my son Jonathan played football, he was a fullback. The job of a fullback is to run interference for a halfback. The halfback gets the ball while the fullback goes out in front of him because there is an enemy trying to get in there and tackle the halfback. The fullback’s mission is to get rid of the enemy so that the halfback can get through the line.
God says that if you will seek His kingdom first and His righteous standards first then He will willingly grant you all of the things that often make themselves the focus of your worry.
If you want to know your calling, don’t go “calling-looking.” Go God-looking. God knows where He wants you, what He is calling you to do, when He wants you to do it, and how He wants it done. Therefore, if you want to find your calling, look for God. When you find God, His calling will find you.