One of the most unforgettable encounters the disciples had with Jesus was when He came to them in the midst of the storm. The waves buffeted their little boat, and they were fearing for their lives when Jesus appeared walking on the water. He called out to Peter to come to Him. Peter climbed out of the boat but then started sinking.
The turmoil, inequity and distress we are experiencing in our nation today can be addressed. It can be reversed. Our nation can be transformed.
In Exodus 3:4-6, Moses finds himself in front of a burning bush from which God is speaking, asking first that Moses take off his shoes, as this is holy ground. So, Moses slips them off in obedience to God’s command.
Have you watched the pages of the calendar flip by or listened to the tick-tock of the clock counting out the hours year after year, wondering where God is in your life?
Many people come to church Sunday after Sunday to be pacified. They want enough to make them feel like they’ve gotten something, only to discover all week long that they are still hungry. They look for this pacification in a service, song or sermon only to wise up to the hunger still within. Sure, they got something that gave them the impression that it was the real thing, but they soon realize that something else is still missing. They do not sense the nutritional value that they expected to be passed on to them.