Getting the Answer You Needed

Getting the Answer You Needed

King David was a successful warrior even though he grew up herding sheep, skipping rocks and playing instruments. David didn’t attend military school. But he knew the one in charge, and because of that, he won his battles and his wars (see 1 Chronicles 18:1). A critical aspect of David’s military leadership and victory came through his awareness of and willingness to seek God’s guidance. In all of recorded Scripture, no one went to God more frequently than David. Again and again, he asked to know God’s will and God’s ways. And...

Power of Prayer

Have you ever gotten a key in the mail attached to a letter or on the outside of an envelope? Sometimes car dealerships will mail out thousands of keys to thousands of people in order to try and lure them into their dealership. What they say in the letter is that the key you are holding might actually start a car – and if it does – you get to keep it. You win!