Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. – Matthew 5:8

Organic food is becoming increasingly popular. No one wants to eat stuff that’s been sprayed with pesticides or pumped full of steroids and preservatives. Why? Because the extra stuff contaminates our bodies and makes us sick. When we eat food that man has messed with, we keep our bodies from functioning as God intended.

The same principle applies to our hearts. When we feed our hearts whatever the world dishes out, we are at risk of spiritual disease. But when we focus our hearts on God’s Word and worship God with our thoughts and actions, He will keep our hearts pure and healthy.

When we feed our hearts whatever the world dishes out, we are at risk of spiritual disease. Click To Tweet

Only then will our hearts be capable of doing what they were meant to do—help us see God.

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