Everybody needs someone to help them navigate through their life. Timothy had the best of mentors in the apostle Paul, who wrote two letters to encourage him in his life and ministry. During his missionary journeys, Paul had left Timothy behind in Ephesus so that he could grow the ministry that Paul had begun there. His first letter to Timothy is full of wisdom and guidance about how to do just that.
Everybody needs someone to help them navigate through their life.
The key verse of the book is 1 Timothy 3:15, in which Paul writes, “I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God.” Therefore, Paul spends a lot of time explaining how to grow and develop church leaders, how they are supposed to function and what their responsibilities entail. He challenged Timothy, as he challenges you and me, to study God’s Word, to learn and grow and to preach that Word to others.
He challenged Timothy, as he challenges you and me, to study God’s Word, to learn and grow and to preach that Word to others.
The quality of the leadership will affect the quality of the members of the church. We need leaders who base their ministry around the Scriptures, for God’s Word is the source for understanding God’s perspective and the basis for spiritual growth. As we focus on the Word, we maximize our potential and can become all the God designed for us to be.
Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of 1 Timothy. May you be blessed by it.