Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Philippians is often called “the book of joy.” In this letter, Paul stresses that he wants God’s people to live in the joy of the Lord and His kingdom rather than just reacting to their outward circumstances. For joy consists of internal stability in spite of external struggles. Whatever you might be going through, you can find joy right in the middle of it. And if anyone was qualified to teach on this subject, it was Paul, for this letter was written after he had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel (1:7, 13).

Whatever you might be going through, you can find joy right in the middle of it.

Philippians is, in part, a thank-you letter to the Christians in the city of Philippi, in gratitude for sending Epaphroditus to comfort Paul and bringing a financial gift after they had heard about his arrest and imprisonment. It also contains important teaching about the need to maintain the mindset of Christ rather than conforming to the ways of the world. Further, Paul prays for the unity of the church and exhorts them to pray rather than allowing themselves to be caught up in worry and stress. It is only as we embrace the gift of having the mind of Christ that we can find true peace and extraordinary joy. This is a much-needed message for every one of us today!

It is only as we embrace the gift of having the mind of Christ that we can find true peace and extraordinary joy.

Here’s a short video that highlights five key themes in the book of Philippians. Enjoy.



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