Faith in Practice – Part 1

Faith, if it has no works, is dead. – James 2:17

The question of faith as it relates to living a life of power and authority is this: Do we believe that if we truly trust God, He will prove Himself to be trustworthy? We must believe that He is faithful, and that belief must show up in our actions. You can say that you are full of faith and yet have no faith. Or you can say that you struggle with faith but exhibit a large amount of faith in your actions. Faith is not demonstrated in your words; it is revealed in what you do in response to God’s direction.

In order for faith to work, it must be practiced. Faith isn’t just believing that God can do what He says; faith is entrusting yourself to Him so He can do His work through you.

Scripture sets forth the principles we are to live by, and God can impress things on our hearts about how He wants us to serve Him as His children. Don’t let circumstances detour you from faith. Even when things look as if they might not work out, don’t stop trusting God. Don’t let doubt detour you. When doubt is holding you back, take it to Jesus, just like the man who told Jesus, “I do believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). And Jesus healed his son.

Others may try to discourage you and tell you that you need to give up on Him, but if you trust God, He will keep walking with you. Trust in Him and His Word. He is with you, and He is for you.

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