Firstfruits Are the Best Fruits

Abel, on his part also brought the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering; but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. – Genesis 4:4-5

When you give God your firstfruits, you not only give Him the first, you give Him the best. In Malachi 1 the Israelites brought God the worst of their leftovers for their sacrifices—the sick, blind, and lame animals. Sometimes that’s what we bring God—our leftover time, energy, and devotion. We come to God when we’re not at our peak.

The story of Cain and Abel in the Scripture above serves as a reminder that God isn’t pleased with those who do not offer firstfruits.

Cain wound up killing his brother over this very matter. Abel brought God the best because he believed God desired and deserved the best. Cain’s offering showed that he thought God deserved something but not necessarily the best.

If we’re not worshipping God by bringing Him our firstfruits, we’re likely giving our firstfruits to something else. To find out where your firstfruits are going, ask yourself, “What gets my best time and my undivided attention?”

Whenever you give God what is first in your heart, time, and treasure, you’re honoring Him as God.

How can you honor God with your firstfruits today?

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