He Never Changes

He Never Changes

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8

Change is a normal part of our lives. We purchase a new computer, and before we get it home and take it out of the box, we learn that we must update its software. When it is finally up and running, we read that within six months, new software will be available that will make everything we do on this new computer even better. Suddenly, we feel overwhelmed.

As if to add misery to our lives, we discover that it’s not enough to have a dial up connection to the Internet. We need a DSL connection. If we have a laptop computer, it must be wireless so we can take it all over our house and even out into the backyard. We feel as if we must keep up with the latest technology or we’ll be left in the dust of our fast-paced world.

This is not so when it comes to Jesus Christ. His love for you does not require an upgrade in order to be useful and enjoyable, and you don’t need a faster processor to keep up with Him. In fact, a slower one will work just fine—maybe even better—because it will allow you to spend plenty of time in God’s presence, where you can worship Him.

As Mary of Bethany sat at the feet of her precious Lord, she wasn’t worried about anything other than being with Jesus. Nothing could have tempted her to step away from the one place where she found unconditional acceptance and love.

Jesus hasn’t changed, but we have. In our desire to obtain more, we are moving further away from the One who loves us with an everlasting love.

You can’t tap into God’s wondrous desire for your life as long as you are hooked up to the noise of the world, but you certainly can with a quiet heart.

You can’t tap into God’s wondrous desire for your life as long as you are hooked up to the noise of the world, but you certainly can with a quiet heart. Click To Tweet

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