Here Comes Your Second Chance

Here Comes Your Second Chance

If you’re like me, you have areas of regret in your life—areas where you know that if you could go back and do it over again, you would. Such is the case of Moses. He made a miscalculation when he killed an Egyptian, and it came with a price tag because sin brings consequences. But the beautiful thing is that doesn’t have to be the last word in your life, my life or the lives of the people we love and care about. God has a way of hitting a bullseye with a crooked stick.

God has a way of hitting a bullseye with a crooked stick. Click To Tweet

If you look back and wish things were different, even though you know can’t change them, I want you to know that God is the God of second chances—even third, fourth and fifth chances. When you come clean with Him, you allow Him to do what He wants to do in your life now for where He’s taking you later. You will find that He can take the misery of the past and turn it into the miracle of the future because you’re dedicated to Him in the present.

Don’t let discouragement rule. Don’t let it take you down. God has a way of using you in spite of yesterday.

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