Hope in Christ

This mystery among the Gentiles…is Christ in you, the hope of glory. – Colossians 1:27

Christ’s life in us is the source of our hope. Emotional strongholds—anger, guilt, shame, depression, bitterness, discouragement, frustration, inferiority, low self-esteem, and much more—hold far too many Christians hostage. In many cases, we’ve forgotten that God’s mercy is given to us freely. In fact, in His grace—His unmerited favor—He brings us face-to-face with the cross, where we receive freedom from each one of these strongholds.

What does this have to do with emotional strongholds? Everything. When you love God with all of your heart, you’ll want to please Him and live your life for Him alone. There won’t be room for bitterness, anger, or discouragement in your heart because you’ll realize that these emotions are counterproductive to the life that God wants you to live—an abundant life overflowing with His blessings.

Maybe someone hurt you deeply. Instead of rolling that hurt onto God, you’ve carried it with you. You find that instead of embracing life, you’ve become cynical and, at times, hurtful. You may even notice that other Christians seem to beam God’s love, grace, and forgiveness, and you wonder if you could ever be as joyful and caring as they are.

You can be, and you will be once you make a decision to place your life in the hands of Jesus. Let Him turn your loneliness into a song of praise. Allow Him to come in and take control of the emotional strongholds—chains of heartache and anger that kept you away from others.

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