Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

A great biblical illustration of the need for keeping your eyes on Jesus in the midst of life’s difficulties is found in Matthew 14:22-31. In this passage, we read about the time when a great storm hit the sea, and yet Jesus walked to His disciples on the rough water. Jesus had sent them out into the bad weather. The problem was the storm. But when Jesus came to the disciples, He walked on top of the very problem itself. Without getting rid of the storm, He overcame it. He overpowered it.

Without getting rid of the storm, He overcame it. He overpowered it.

Peter was only able to overcome it himself when he kept his eyes fixated on Jesus. He asked if he could come out on the water, too, and as long as he looked at Jesus, he was fine. But when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused instead on the tumultuous circumstances that surrounded him, Peter began to sink.

Only when Peter adjusted his focus back on Jesus did he receive the divine intervention he desperately needed.

Friend, whatever you are facing, if you focus on the circumstances, the circumstances will overwhelm you. They will overpower you. They will swallow you up. Jesus invites you to come to Him in the midst of risky situations. He asks you to step out in faith. But He gives you success only when you keep your eyes focused on Him. You will become consumed by your circumstances if you choose to focus on them. Like Peter, you will sink. But if you choose to return your gaze to Jesus as Peter did, He can lift you back up so you are above the stormy sea once again. Remember, Jesus hadn’t moved when Peter started to sink. Peter’s focus moved. Only when Peter adjusted his focus back on Jesus did he receive the divine intervention he desperately needed.

Only when Peter adjusted his focus back on Jesus did he receive the divine intervention he desperately needed. Click To Tweet

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