Trouble in the City of Man is a call to action for the citizens of the City of God.
—R. Albert Mohler Jr., Seminary President
When your children play outside, how far do you let them go? Do they have to stay in the yard? May they go to a neighbor’s house? Do they have permission to ride their bike around the block? How you answer those questions has a lot to do with the age and maturity of your children. You might also factor in the safety of your neighborhood, what time of day it is, and how well you know the neighbors. Kingdom parents have to set boundaries for their children. Sometimes those are physical guidelines. But your children should also have well-defined spiritual and moral boundaries that they are personally committed to recognizing. We see these types of boundaries in Daniel’s life. Exiled to Babylon when he was a teenager, Daniel was surrounded by evil influences. He could’ve become a hermit to avoid the ubiquitous pagan temptations around him. But he didn’t.
Instead, he obeyed God’s command in Jeremiah 29:7 to “seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf.” Daniel worked hard, benefitted Babylon, and rose to great prominence. But he also adhered to his spiritual boundaries. He lived
in the culture, but was not of the culture. This is a powerful reminder for kingdom parents.
Shielding your children from sinful society is important—to a degree. But one day, they will leave your protective household. Before they do, train them to establish personal
boundaries and thrive in godliness, like Daniel.
1. What is one cultural influence or message you can teach your children to avoid today?
2. Are there ways in which you are unhelpfully shielding your children? What steps can you take to remove that shield?
3. What can you do to help your children take ownership of their moral boundaries?
God, Your Son sent His disciples “into the world” (John 17:18). Help me wisely train my children to one day follow that example with them. Amen.
An excerpt taken from Raising Kingdom Kids. Discover more at