Overcoming Spiritual Dryness

Overcoming Spiritual Dryness  

He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, You know.”
– Ezekiel 37:3

Spiritual dryness comes when we overextend ourselves and don’t take time to be alone with the Lord. Sin is another reason we feel dry and distant from God. The nation of Judah struggled with both of these problems. They were too busy, and they began to worship pagan gods, knowing all along that the Lord had told them, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Deuteronomy 5:7). Yet they ignored His command and suffered for it.

Yielding to sin and being too busy to worship God quickly leads to a divided mind and heart. Click To Tweet

Yielding to sin and being too busy to worship God quickly leads to a divided mind and heart. If we continue along this track, we’ll begin to spend more and more time doing other things and less time in prayer with the One who loves us the most and died for our sins. Before we know it, we will feel tired, drained of energy, and just plain worn out. This is when Satan’s forces begin to tempt us with sin.

Even in a world of turmoil, God wants to spend time with you. Relationship is at the core of His very being, and He desires your fellowship. How long has it been since someone has told you that he or she wants to be with you just to talk and listen to what you have to say? God wants to do this for you.

Like our nation today, the nation of Judah was in desperate need of a revival. However, in order for this to happen, the people must express their need for God and their desire to know Him in a personal way.

Do you feel spiritually dry? Maybe you’ve tried unsuccessfully to revive yourself through a home Bible study or an occasional visit to church. Or perhaps you go to church every Sunday, yet you feel dry inside. If this is the case, know that you can experience a personal revival the moment you confess your need to the Lord. His care for you is unconditional. The instant you do this, He will turn on heaven’s shower of refreshment and breathe new life into your heart and soul.

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