The Godly Gift of Marriage

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. – Ephesians 5:31

Marriage is a gift to us from God, yet so many of us don’t see it as such. Many people behave as though they were married by the secretary of war rather than the justice of the peace. Divorce is as common as it has ever been, and some trade spouses like others trade old cars. In short, the value we place on marriage is disproportionate when you consider who gave it to us in the first place.

To understand the value of such a gift, we must unpack what the purpose of marriage is, as God sees it. The unifying, central theme throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom, and one of the most precious ways we participate in that glory is through the godly union of a man and a woman. It expands His rule and His reach in our lives.

A godly marriage in many ways mirrors the order of things as it relates to God and humanity. The Father and Son are equal, yet in function, the Son defers to the authority of the Father. The church—called the “bride” in Scripture—is submitted to Christ, her bridegroom, even though Christ gave His own life for her. That is God’s order for a kingdom marriage. Husband and wife are equal in the eyes of God, while one functions as the head of the other in partnership. Each is to love and respect the other, as God has designed.

For these reasons, the value of marriage cannot be overstated. By seeking a kingdom marriage, one in line with what the Bible teaches, we seek to promote the very greatness of God.

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