The Kingdom Agenda

When you look around you, it seems like everyone has an agenda. People have plans, programs, things they want to accomplish, and specific ways they want to accomplish them. They make lists, set goals and try to reach them. Maybe you’ve got your own agenda as well.

God is no stranger to agendas. In fact, He has an agenda, too; something He wants to accomplish in His way. Scripture calls this agenda God’s kingdom. The kingdom of God is the alternative to the kingdom of this world. An “alternative” simply means that it is another way; there is another idea on the table. As God’s people, we are not limited by the choices this world offers us. God has an alternative plan for us—called His kingdom agenda.

In the same way that our culture and our country wants us to be regularly reminded about our citizenship in this kingdom called America, there is another kingdom – a greater and more perfect kingdom – of which we are a part. It is the kingdom of God.

Verse: “How can we picture God’s kingdom? What kind of story can we use? It’s like a pine nut. When it lands on the ground it is quite small as seeds go, yet once it is planted it grows into a huge pine tree with thick branches. Eagles nest in it.” Mark 4:30-32 MSG

Prayer: Father, reveal to me the majesty and magnitude of your Kingdom, of which I am a part. Cause me to know both my place and position, and use me within it for the good of others and Your Glory.

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