The Power of Praise

O Lord, the God of our fathers . . . Power and might are in Your hand. . . . We are powerless before this great multitude . . . nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You. – 2 Chronicles 20:6,12

In this passage we read that the nation of Judah had just received horrible news. A vast army was gathering to destroy them, and King Jehoshaphat had no idea how they could survive such a vicious attack. However, he did know there was only one Person he could turn to, and that was God.

God quickly answered his prayer. He told him the battle was not Judah’s but His. Then the Lord set up the battle plan. Instead of warriors leading the way, God instructed the king to place the choir up front and march into battle singing praises to His name. I would have loved to have seen the king’s face when he heard that plan. No arrows or tar-and-pitch rockets were to fly through the air—only praises to God.

Regardless of what he felt inside, the king’s actions demonstrated that he trusted God as he obeyed the Lord. Before Judah reached the battlefield, God had thrown the enemy in to such confusion that they turned on one another. The army of Judah never lifted a bow because God defeated its enemies.

If you’re facing difficulty of any kind or size, begin to sing songs of praise to the Lord, and you will see your enemies defeated. Not only that, but your heart will be lifted, and you will sense a peace inside like nothing you have known. God wants to restore the peace you have lost. If you will let Him, He will give you a fresh touch of His peace, love, and grace when you praise Him.

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