The Wedding Feast

The Wedding Feast

Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. – Revelation 19:7

After Jesus has gathered His church to Himself, we will celebrate with a magnificent feast, the marriage supper of the Lamb. The bride and bridegroom will celebrate their union and will begin an eternity of being spiritually and physically together.

A bride spends a lot of time getting ready, making herself look perfect for her groom. In the same way, the church of Christ will be purified, glorious, and perfect in every detail because all the sinfulness of earth will be burned away and the righteousness of Christ will shine forth from the church. This will truly be a celebration, a party like none we have ever seen. The wedding reception will last a millennium—1000 years.

Before this wedding feast takes place, Jesus will inaugurate His millennial rule by dealing with all His enemies. He will come back to earth with his army to set up His kingdom rule. God will judge the earth through the great tribulation, and the sheep will be separated from the goats. Those who come through the tribulation as believers in Jesus Christ will participate in the wedding feast along with the other believers.

We will have this wedding feast because man will finally realize the destiny he was created for, all due to the person and work of the perfect man, Jesus Christ. The purpose of the millennial reign is for man to fulfill his God-ordained destiny to rule the earth and to fellowship with the Creator.

What a time of rejoicing that will be!

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