Explore the Book of Colossians with Dr. Tony Evans

Explore the Book of Colossians with Dr. Tony Evans

It is important that we understand the truth if we are going to live in the truth. The church in the city of Colossae was dealing with some of the same issues we struggle with today: deep and dangerous confusion about who Jesus is and the kind of life He calls us to live. The apostle Paul, who was in prison for his testimony about Christ, heard about the many heresies that were circulating among the Colossians and wrote to them so they might understand the real truth about Jesus Christ.

More Than Just an Appetizer

More Than Just an Appetizer

My mom used to tell me and my siblings if we complained about something she was cooking and we didn’t want to eat it, that it was because we just weren’t hungry enough. We would excuse ourselves from the table and head elsewhere in the house only to hear her say, “You’ll be back. When you get hungry enough, it’ll be here.” This is because my mom knew, like many moms know, that hungry people who are truly hungry aren’t that picky. They just need food. And they won’t let their own preferences keep them from pursuing the nutritio...

Explore the Book of Ezra with Tony Evans

Explore the Book of Ezra with Tony Evans

The book of Ezra is about spiritual restoration. It is focused on the restoration of the temple after God’s people returned from their captivity in Babylon. Their persistent disobedience and idolatry had resulted in the destruction of the temple and the enslavement to a foreign nation. But God had made them a kingdom promise—that if they would return to Him, He would bring them back to their own land. As always, God kept His promise.

Read the Owner’s Manual

Read the Owner’s Manual

The other day I got into my car and noticed that the side mirror had collapsed. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get it to work properly. I fiddled with that mirror, pushed that mirror, pulled that mirror, and sought to maneuver that mirror for close to twenty minutes. I knew I couldn’t drive without a mirror to show me the cars behind and beside me, so I kept looking for a solution.

Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Exploring Philippians with Dr. Tony Evans

Philippians is often called “the book of joy.” In this letter, Paul stresses that he wants God’s people to live in the joy of the Lord and His kingdom rather than just reacting to their outward circumstances. For joy consists of internal stability in spite of external struggles. Whatever you might be going through, you can find joy right in the middle of it. And if anyone was qualified to teach on this subject, it was Paul, for this letter was written after he had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel (1:7, 13).