Transformed by Trials

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials. – James 1:2

The popular television show Extreme Makeover puts people through all kinds of adverse circumstances so that they might look better than they did when they started the makeover process. They undergo surgical procedures, grueling workouts, and physical pain in order to be transformed into something externally beautiful.

One of the primary ways God makes us more like Christ is to allow us to face challenges, hardships, and trouble. To conform us into the image of Christ, we don’t just need minor surgery—we require major transformation.

In fact, God has to put a brand-new nature inside us. Just as a sculptor chips away at a piece of marble to turn it into a beautiful image, God uses trials to chip away at us, sculpting us to resemble the image of Christ.

During these times of trial and testing, you may often feel alone. But remember that the teacher is always quiet during the test. You are not alone. God is producing within you the beauty and majesty of a surrendered and humbled soul.

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