You May Be Closer Than You Think

You May Be Closer Than You Think

How can you see your future when you’re staring at your past?

We call our past, the past, but the truth is, it is very much present in many lives today. For some, past issues so rule their thoughts and actions that they decide their future is over before it’s begun. In essence, they have given up on themselves, and that has brought them to believe that God has given up on them, too.

Yet God has always used “broken vessels” to accomplish His purpose on the earth. A number of people in the Bible were broken, yet God raised them up in a marvelous way. God used Moses, a murderer, to deliver the Hebrew children. God used Jacob, a liar and a trickster, to fulfill His promise to Abraham. He even used Rahab, a harlot, in the messianic family line.

Just as God redeemed their lives, He can also redeem yours.

For those who have ever questioned whether a single, or even multiple, failures have disqualified them from God’s use – or whether one bad decision will hinder them from their destiny, I have a word for you: It’s not too late for God’s unlikely path to success. Trust Him, you just may be closer than you think.

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