Why Prophecy Matters, Part 1

Tony Evans

Why Prophecy Matters, Part 1
Tony Evans Sermons
Why Prophecy Matters, Part 1

Revelation 22:18-19

When you’re reading a mystery, you don’t want anyone telling you how the story comes out. But in this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans says that when you’re living through tough times, knowing there’s a happy ending ahead can make all the difference.

Worthless Christianity

Tony Evans

Worthless Christianity
Tony Evans Sermons
Worthless Christianity

Revelation 3:14-22

Coffee is great when it’s served piping hot… or cold and frosty. But lukewarm? Well, that’s nothing but a disappointment. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why God feels that exact same way about people. Discover the steps involved in relighting the fire of your faith before you become spiritually useless.

The Beauty of Brokenness

Tony Evans

The Beauty of Brokenness
Tony Evans Sermons
The Beauty of Brokenness

Exodus 19:3-8

The problem with living life by "trial and error" is that it winds up being mostly error. Well, if you're ready for something more dependable, join Dr. Tony Evans as he talks about the danger of believing we have what it takes to figure out life on our own.

Authority of the Kingdom Agenda

Tony Evans

Authority of the Kingdom Agenda
Tony Evans Sermons
Authority of the Kingdom Agenda

Exodus 19:3-8

The problem with living life by "trial and error" is that it winds up being mostly error. Well, if you're ready for something more dependable, join Dr. Tony Evans as he talks about the danger of believing we have what it takes to figure out life on our own.

The Need for Spiritual Armor

Tony Evans

The Need for Spiritual Armor
Tony Evans Sermons
The Need for Spiritual Armor

Ephesians 6:10-13

If it feels like Satan has you backed into a corner, Dr. Tony Evans says you have things backward. In this lesson, he’ll explain who the real hostage ought to be as he talks about how to avoid getting distracted by the spiritual battles going on around us.