Here Comes Your Second Chance

Here Comes Your Second Chance

If you’re like me, you have areas of regret in your life—areas where you know that if you could go back and do it over again, you would. Such is the case of Moses. He made a miscalculation when he killed an Egyptian, and it came with a price tag because sin brings consequences. But the beautiful thing is that doesn’t have to be the last word in your life, my life or the lives of the people we love and care about. God has a way of hitting a bullseye with a crooked stick.

In Honor of Mothers

In Honor of Mothers

Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful mothers we have the privilege of ministering to all year long. I trust that you will have the greatest day of your life. Thank you for all that you do for the next generation that you continue to influence.

He Ascended on High

He Ascended on High

Jesus’ ascension initiated the age of the Holy Spirit. And while it surely must have broken their hearts to lose one they loved so dearly, the presence of the Spirit would ultimately be better for the disciples and for us. How can this be? When Jesus was on earth, His actions were constrained by His humanity. Neither His deity nor His essence were diminished, yet He worked in only one location at a time. When people needed Jesus, they had to meet Him face to face.

Power Verses Authority

Power Verses Authority

In a football game, the players tower over the referees. The players are bigger, stronger and more powerful than the older, smaller and, often, out-of- shape referees. In a game, the players can use their power to knock you down, but the referees can use their authority to put you out of the game.

In Him

In Him

I love cream in my coffee. I never drink my coffee black. Whenever I pour myself a cup of coffee, I always add the white cream and mix it together. At that point, a union has occurred. I once had black coffee and white cream, but now I have brown coffee. If I take the coffee with me into my office, the cream comes too. If I take the cream with me into my den, the coffee comes too. Nothing can separate these two once they have been joined.