We’re celebrating black heroes who made history, and I want to introduce you to B. Sam Hart, who founded the Grand Old Gospel Fellowship Ministry, which sought to plant churches, prepare leaders, and proclaim the gospel through tent crusades, broadcast media, and overseas long and short-term missions. GOGF ministry also trained pastors in third world countries, and ministered through orphanages.
B. Sam Hart forever changed my life.
B. Sam Hart forever changed my life. He is the man who challenged me to go into full-time Christian ministry, and he also encouraged me to attend Bible college, something that I was not considering at the time. Furthermore, when I was seventeen years old, Dr. Hart invited me to travel to Guyana, South America, to help set up a gospel crusade.
In Guyana, I met my wife, Lois, for the first time. I spent one month in Guyana, but I told Lois that I was going to return as soon as I could to marry her. A year and half later, I kept my promise. There would be no Evans family or legacy without Dr. Hart’s invitation.
There would be no Evans family or legacy without Dr. Hart’s invitation.
However, this isn’t fully why he should be honored. Dr. Hart was a faithful evangelist who emphasized biblical literacy and church planting. He not only impacted my life, but he introduced innumerable souls to Jesus Christ and helped them to grow in their faith. And for that reason, he should be celebrated.
I recall a time when I had some serious ant hills on my front lawn. As these ants served their queen, they built mounds on my lawn, turning a once-green lawn into a place of foreign habitation. They were building their own kingdom on my lawn, so I needed to address their presence. If I didn’t...
Everybody needs someone to help them navigate through their life. Timothy had the best of mentors in the apostle Paul, who wrote two letters to encourage him in his life and ministry. During his missionary journeys, Paul had left Timothy behind in Ephesus so that he could grow the ministry that...